CARE, cosmetiCs, perfumes
Polynesian and Naturals
Our products are made from the purest ingredients
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Your health and well-being of your skin are our goal
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Range of perfumes
Captivate the senses, awaken the emotions: each drop, an olfactory story to tell.

Autres Soins
Range of care
Softness at every moment, from head to toe: expert care for complete beauty.

Rau hotu Tahiti
Our Brands
At the flower of Tiare Tahiti
The Tiare Tahiti has been used for millennia by the Polynesians, and plays a very important part in "Raau Tahiti", the pharmacopoeia of Polynesian natural medicine. It is known to purify, protect, hydrate, firm, soothe, revive the radiance of beauty and reduce wrinkles and fine lines.